Sunday, February 3, 2019

The Sun





   The Sun represents clarity in the situation. When you see The Sun in a reading, you can feel reassured that all is well. This card is promising abundance, love, clarity, transparency, joy, enthusiasm, success and harmony. 

    If you were feeling insecure and worry under The Moon, this is a time when all of a sudden everything becomes clear to the mind. In fact, before making important decisions in your life, you should always make sure that you are doing so under The Sun. This is a time when you feel a certain ‘click’ within, and you know that you are ready to go out into the world with no problem.  

   Relationships are more beautiful under The Sun and problems can be easily viewed under a new light. Your energy might feel strong, while inspiration comes to surface giving your ideas to reinvent yourself, or even you own life.

   Success becomes something achievable with this card, because you see the world outside of you with more desire to feel part of it. So, you become more open to give and receive from the universe. In fact, The Law of Attraction is always ready to attract things to you under The Sun, because this is the time when your desires make perfect resonance in the universe and become ready to manifest, as there are no other energies in conflict. 

   This is the best time to have healthy discussions with family members, coworkers, and friends, as we are more open to accept the truth and to adapt in times of challenge. This is also the time for you to understand yourself, by showing you more love and care.

  • Associated with The Sun
  • The number 19 on this card becomes 1 (1+9 = 10) ; (1+0  = 1), in numerology. It represents leadership, beginning,  harmony. 

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