World, represents the accomplishment of a phase or cycle of life. This is the
moment when in some situations you know you will be in the position of celebrating,
because you were finally able to finish something you started in the past.
When events of life are first born out of will
power, they begin to mature and grow with time, to the point of their
accomplishment. So, for example, if you are wondering about your spouse and
wish to know if he/she really cares about you, with the showing of this card in
a reading the answer is yes.
Things are always positive and very successful
under this card, because they have reached a point in time when they are ready
and mature to rise and manifest successfully in the world. In fact, this card
is very similar to The Wheel of Fortune in promising good luck for the future.
However, if The Wheel of Fortune is spinning to
surprise you with what it could bring to your destiny, The World is reassuring
you that what you have started in the past has matured to the point that is
closing its phase before you, offering positive results, or lessons.
With this card showing up in a reading you
know for example, that you will be able to finish college, get married,
find a new job, move to a new location, or even find a new boyfriend or
girlfriend successfully. The World is nothing but the successful accomplishment
of things you initiated in the past. So, if you started a research or working
on something, under this card’s influence, the time for you to receive will established
with great success.
Associated with Saturn
The number 21 on this card becomes 3 (2+1), in numerology. It represents the accomplishment of something, as the perfect number. The start + the middle + the end.
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