Wednesday, January 23, 2019






   Justice in Tarot, represents the moment of truth. If the Wheel of Fortune creates new events trough apparent coincidence from which one can benefit or learn a lesson via good or bad luck, the Justice card is bringing to the table clear situations of life in which we understand what we deserve.

   Just like for The Wheel of Fortune, this card is all about Karma. However, with the Justice card we immediately see what the universe is offering that has nothing to do with luck, but exclusively with a clear motion of the Law of Attraction.

   With The Wheel of Fortune we can guess the gifts, or the lessons it brings along, with the Justice card we clearly know what we are receiving in a certain time. As we focus on positive and constructive ways to transform a situation or even our life, so Justice will consequently respond. This happens also when we are negative and destructive. Justice is always ready to give us only what we deserve from the energies of our past. 

   We are the only masters of our destiny and if there is a God, he has nothing to do with our free will to become negative and/or destructive, if we chose so. God is one thing only, "LOVE" and love from God is always unconditional. In God there is no space for other things, except unconditional love, compassion and generosity.

   When we see the Justice card, we know that it has nothing to do with God, but with who we are and the things we have done in the past. Justice, is the truth of what we have produced for ourselves through our own past actions. 





  • Associated with Libra

  • The number 11 on this card becomes 2 (1+1), in numerology. 1, is you and 1 matches as a mirror the nature of your soul in doing, by bringing actions to the world. In other words, 1 is you or the promoter, and the master of your own actions in this world, and 1 matches your intuition, or psychic powers to bring out the main nature of your intention.   


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