The Chariot represents the willpower, or the intention to
make a decision. If The Lovers directed you towards something you love, The
Strength, is asking you to be brave, confident and courageous to carry on, by
feeling trust in the future still unknown, of The High Priestess.
She will give you the gift to trust in yourself. Now,
with The Chariot, you have to know how to make the next move, how to start
something, how to take action and which way to go. This is the time for you to
act knowing clearly how to proceed and which way to go first. Your thoughts
must make sense and be very clear to you.
By using self-discipline (through the things you like to improve of your life,
or yourself, as a person with a clear mind), this card appears to let you know
that “you are far more powerful that you think”! You have to
believe this statement before you can evolve to the next spiritual step.
You can make things happen when the universe works in congruency with your
soul. So, you must be open minded and aligned with the energy sources of the
universal mind, by remaining positive and constructive.
This means that you need to sort things out in your personal life, and go into
action as soon as it feels right to you, according to the things you want to
achieve. The energy for the process of materialization is ready for you to make
the first step, towards your decisions and deliver in the material world.
However, if you wait too long, things might not happen. In fact, when the
perfect-clear-resonance is made in the universe at the right time, it will
materialize that exact energy of your vision, that, will attract the
opportunities to reach your goals. This is the time of The Chariot, and
one must decide with confidence, the journey ahead.
“Commitment”, to what you have to do next is very important, even if sometimes
it’s hard to decide, but later round success for sure will be there for you.
Sometimes, we don't realize that even though we try to know how to rightly make
decisions, or how to proceed in a particular event, or situation, we might end
up after all making errors along the way.
In this case, the Chariot is giving you courage to let you know that what's
really important in the situation, is to decide what to do next and how. However,
by making a mistake you can always learn something for the future.
When you are called to make decisions, don’t turn them down just because you
are afraid of making mistakes. If you do, there will be a time in the near
future when you will regret the fact that you did nothing; unfortunately, this
happens at least 98% of the times. It can be very frustrating, especially when
it's too late to resolve an issue.
Sometimes we wonder if we have what it takes to succeed in a difficult
situation, so when The Chariot appears in a reading, you must feel reassured
that what you really need to do is to focus on your thoughts, and find within
the strength and the courage to clearly understand your next steps.
It's always your choice, you can never go wrong if you try hard enough to make
the right decision. You need to have faith in yourself and know clearly your
limits. Generally, this card is encouraging you to FOCUS, and just move on with your life. However, other times is
inviting you to consider traveling somewhere.
Associated with Cancer
The number 7 in this card represents victory. After searching within for the truth, after focusing and trying our best to make decisions in our life, the result is a lucky number, or number 7. You can never go wrong when the situation calls you to decide what to do next. You can learn from your mistakes, but stay available and ready when life calls you to make a decision, you know you can do it as a winner. Just do it!

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