Sunday, January 20, 2019

The Hierophant



   The Hierophant card represents God, or the universal mind's wisdom. It could be a spiritual guide, a coach, a teacher, a mentor, an authority figure, or he could even represent the suggestion to learn something, or to meditate and pray. The intent of this archetype is to give you wisdom and inspiration to grow among others, and to discover higher levels of spiritual existence, by finding personal harmony and freedom. 

  He invites you to learn spiritual values, and to be yourself in any circumstance by exploring the divine in prayer or meditation. However, if you are a teacher you could share your wisdom, knowledge, and experiences also with others, promoting spiritual awareness and growth around yourself.

  This card invites you to honor and respect religious traditions, as well as the people you know, to learn from them and to share their knowledge with others. When you see this card in a reading, you are also advised to experiment new things that could help you grow in a spiritual way, seeking a deeper meaning by discovering more.

  The Hierophant wants you to face your problems and fears trusting in a higher power, knowing that everything happens for a good reason even if at times you have no clue why certain things unfold in a way that you don't like. He invites you to feel comfortable among other people, feeling that your place belongs in society. And so, you could join an organization, go to a vocational school, work as part of a team and so forth. He asks you to find ways to fit in a particular situation and to get along with others.

   This card focuses on groups and organizations, letting you know that becoming part of something, or a team, while you are exposed to learn, teach, advise, consulate, share and care, is far more important than remaining isolated into yourself, especially when you are faced with particular challenges. He invites you to feel good with others, to love, respect, and honor everyone, and to remain open to hear also their opinions. The Hierophant is all about getting along, learning, teaching and sharing.



  • Associated with Taurus

  • The number 5 on this card represents the problems of life that can be solved through finding balance between the physical and the spiritual world, especially in time of great challenge. When obstacles are in the way and difficulties of life become overwhelming, the only way to be able to  win is to connect with the spiritual world through meditation or prayer, but also to connect with others, in order to find a way out of isolation and depression. 








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