Friday, January 18, 2019

The Magician



   The Magician represents the first card of the journey. He gives you the power and the ability to manifest anything. All of us have the hidden power of manifestation deep within, but sometimes obstacles and challenges of life make us feel discouraged and depressed to believe in ourselves. However, is true to say that negative emotions will never help anyone, but rather, they will contribute in making you feel worse, attracting more negativity when less expected. So, with this card you keep your thoughts positive.

  His position represents the connection between the spiritual realm and the physical world. Everything that we see in this world is only a temporary illusion, as everything must be first originated in the mind of a divine force so that it can be later manifested, or expressed in the material world. So, The Magician knows how to find the perfect spiritual formulas to create anything he wants and desires in this world. When you see this card in a reading, you must know that anything is possible.

   Right in front of him, on the table, you can see the four elements, Water, Earth, Air and Fire. He knows how to combine those to create and manifest, or express anything out of nothing. The Magician brings great inspiration, courage, talent, and potential to create anything you want. When you see this card in a reading, you know you can trust in yourself and in the power to succeed. You know you can aspect anytime to feel inspired, finding solutions and answers to your problems.

   All the right tools needed to manifest a dream, are The Magician's gift to you. Through the four elements you can express your wishes in desires, then later in earth manifestations. The Fire, or positive energy you may perceive within, can move you to feel the enthusiasm and courage needed during the process of materialization. The Earth or material world, then, is ready to offer opportunities and abundance that you must recognize. The Air or thought process, is ready to produce sharp, clear, and successful new thoughts. Finally, the Water or emotion, is ready to deliver joy, enthusiasm and harmony in the process. This last element, is the key of the process of manifestation. The Magician in fact, works with the law of attraction and the most important element to consider is Water, or the emotion within.

   One can have energy to move on, opportunities unfolding, great thoughts, but without the element Water, or great emotions and enthusiasm, it's impossible to gain success.



  • Associated with Mercury

  • The number 1 on this card represents the beginning of opportunities. The Magician symbolizes the beginning of something new, the work in process.


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